The role of nutrition in skin issues

Ryan Fernando - The role of nutrition in skin issues

2024-02-26 08:24:34

The role of nutrition in skin issues

Beauty is bestowed by good health.

Consider this scenario: you have glowing, lively skin that is smooth and supple. You have a gorgeous blush on your cheeks and shoot amazing, perfect selfies.

This is something that anyone can do if they understand how their skin works. The researchers at QUA Nutrition have devoted their time to equipping you with the knowledge you need to be clear of skin issues.


We encounter buzz phrases like “UV rays” “antioxidants” and “free radicals” when we seek up skin issues, but, do we truly get what they imply? Because of our poor understanding of these phrases, they may be an effective tool for selling items that are frequently unneeded.

We fall prey to deceptive advertising efforts, spend cash on dermal therapies, and end up with dull, wrinkled, or lifeless skin. We’ll break down these concepts and explain how they impact our appearance in this series of blogs.

The relationship between Beauty and Nutrition

More than anything else we must recognize that our skin reflects what is going on inside of us.

The texture, vibrancy, moisture, and general condition of the skin are all influenced by the nourishment that the body receives. As a result, it’s reasonable to state that skin issues start from inside the body. Behavioral, environmental, and dietary factors all have a role.

We might not be able to alter air pollution or the quality of fruits and vegetables available in our city. The one action we could do would be to enhance our own nutrition.

We don’t only obtain healthy, beautiful skin by concentrating on diet. We have a higher quality of life, and great-looking skin is merely a consequence of all the incredible changes our bodies have undergone.

Even if you’re only interested in the sheer aesthetics of it all, the reality is that the look of your skin may alter in just 28 days with the correct diet (no.of days healthy skin cells will take to bring positive change in the body).

As a result, the first and most significant perspective transformation we must adopt is how we view ‘beauty.’

It’s critical to realise that beautiful skin can only be obtained by addressing the underlying health problems. Finally, the physical and mechanical stress that the skin is subjected to can result in a variety of skin disorders, ranging from wrinkles to cancer.

But don’t worry (it could create free radicals!) – you’re going to learn how to keep your skin in tip-top shape!

Keep following this space.

To get a customized nutrition consultation for your skin health contact us at +91-9743430000 or write to us at

Ryan Fernando is an Award-winning celebrity Sports Nutritionist with 2GUINNESS world record and 2 Olympic medals under his belt. His client list include Olympic wrestler Sushil Kumar, cricketer Shikhar Dhawan & bollywood superstars Aamir Khan & Abhishek Bachchan. He is Chief Nutritionist at QUA Nutrition Signature Clinics.

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