Nutritional Guidelines For Cancer Patient After Treatment

Ryan Fernando - Nutritional Guidelines For Cancer Patient After Treatment

2024-02-26 08:24:34

Nutritional Guidelines For Cancer Patient After Treatment

Anyone who has had cancer knows that it is something they never want to go through again. In roughly 30% of cancer cases, nutrition plays a role. Furthermore, a balanced diet, a healthy weight, and regular exercise could prevent around one-third of cancer cases.

Excess weight is the largest avoidable cause of cancer, after not smoking. A healthy lifestyle can assist you in recovering from cancer and lowering your chances of recurrence.

Eat a well-balanced diet that includes a range of healthful foods after therapy. A nutritious diet can aid in maintaining a healthy weight and providing adequate nourishment, as well as aiding recovery from cancer therapy.

Maintain a healthy weight throughout life

1.Balance caloric intake with physical activity.
2. Avoid excessive weight gain throughout the lifecycle.
3.Achieve and maintain a healthy weight if currently overweight or obese.

Adopt a physically active lifestyle

1.Adults: engage in at least 30 minutes of moderate-to-vigorous physical activity, for at least 5 days per week.

2.Children and adolescents: engage in at least 60 minutes per day of moderate-to-vigorous physical activity at least 5 days per week.

Consume a healthy diet, with an emphasis on plant sources

1.Choose foods and beverages in adequate quantity to fulfil calorie requirement and to spar proteins for repairing and building body tissues.

2.It should help achieve and maintain healthy weight.

3.Eat five or more servings of a variety of vegetables and fruits each day.

4.Limit consumption of refined and processed meat.

5.Quit smoking.

Limit alcohol consumption

Drink no more than drink per day for women or two per day for men.


1.Processed Sugar

2.High-Glycemic Foods Like Corn, Sucrose, Glucose, Banana, And Others

3.High-Glycemic Carbonated Drinks, Sweets, Jellies, Chocolates

4.Fried Foods Rich In Saturated Fatty Acids Like Butter, Ghee, Cheese

5.Refined Oils Rich In N-6 Fatty Acids Should Not Be Overly Used. N-3 Fatty Acids Present In Fish Oils, Olive Oil, Eggs Are Preferred Over N-6 Fatty Acid Sources.

6.Adequate Amount Of Salt Is Advised

7.Processed Meat

8.High Preservative Rich Processed Packaged Foods, Snacks Etc.


1.Whole Grains And Millets

2.Protein Rich Plant Based Sources Like Pulses And Legumes, Chia

3.Organic Eggs

4.Essential Fatty Acids Sources Like Walnuts, Faxseeds

5.Fatty Fish And Fish Oil Supplementation

6.Olive Oil

7.Fruits And Vegetables Especially Cruciferous Vegetables, Garlic, Tomatoes Rich Inphytochemicals

Customizing your diet during cancer treatment may be necessary to help you gain strength and survive the effects of the illness and its therapy. When you’re in good health, this could entail feeding foods that aren’t generally recommended.

Cancer patients’ nutritional requirements differ from one another. Your nutritionist can assist you in determining your nutritional goals and devising strategies to help you achieve them.

To check progress, oncology nutritionist shall monitor and evaluate the above mentioned components of the patients at each visit and compare with desired individual outcomes. This may include, but is not limited to anthropometric measurements; food- and nutrition-related history; biochemical data, medical tests, and procedures; nutrition focused physical findings; client history; patient/family/client medical/health history; social history; and psychological/socioeconomic issues

Speak to an expert oncology nutritionist, call us on +91-9743430000 or visit us

The author Palak Pathak is working as a Senior Medical Nutritionist for Oncology Division at QUA NUTRITION SIGNATURE CLINICS. She believes that The Right Nutrition is a choice and a “Change” to adapt for good health in today’s world!!

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